Our History
Church of God Mission International Incorporated was divinely born by the urge of the Holy Spirit with specific instructions of the Lord to Archbishop B.A. Idahosa as stated:
“Raise up an army for me, to go with the gospel to all Nations. Gather together those whom I have called and I will send them with the fire of my spirit. Give my word and your example to many who will go to teach, preach and heal”
Church of God Mission International, as it is known today, grew from a very humble beginning in 1962 as a prayer group first named Calvary Fellowship at a shop on Ivbizua Street, off Mission Road. It was officially inaugurated in 1965 by Rev. Edgar Perkins. On October 26th 1968, Rev. Perkins approached the Assemblies of God to release Benson Idahosa, then a Sunday School Superintendent, to oversee the prayer ministry. The fellowship moved to No. 26, Forestry Road, Benin City with Pastor Benson Idahosa fully in-charge. The membership of the fellowship grew numerically. Pastor Benson Idahosa decided to build a church and this began his building ministry. He moved the members to Iyaro Church and on 18th of September, 1974. The church was registered under the Land perpetual succession Acts and Certificate number 1245 was issued. By the time Church of God Mission Iyaro was completed the membership had risen tremendously. The church was declared opened by Papa Gordon Lindsay and Papa Elton.
Church of God’s primary ministry was evangelism-Living up to her motto: Evangelism our Supreme Task, the church engaged in street evangelism and open air crusades. Through these activities souls were daily added to the church and everywhere papa went with the gospel churches were planted and solid structures erected.
In keeping with his belief of a ministry building that keeps up with the times, and to accommodate the influx of converts, the Archbishop laid the foundation of another church called Miracle Centre, on airport road, Benin City on Saturday 1st December, 1973 which was dedicated on Sunday 9th November, 1975 by Mrs. Freda Lindsay.
The continued growth of the ministry led to the building of Faith Miracle Centre auditorium, which many refer to as a marvel and was a vision fulfilled. In 1983, in far away Australia, the Archbishop heard God tell him to build Him a building that will bring glory and honour to his name. The auditorium which is believed to seat over twenty thousand people was the first stadium church in Africa. It was dedicated and opened on 2nd November, 1986. Coinciding with the growth of churches in Benin was the planting of branches. Today Church of God Mission International has a presence in all parts of Nigeria and the world over.
The ministry has developed infrastructures to strengthen her ability to fulfill her mandate preparing an army to rescue humanity for God. This she had done through the establishment of a viable Bible School – All Nations for Christ Bible Institute, to fulfill the educational need for pastors and contribute to building a vibrant society. The ministry has schools ranging from pre-Nursery (Word of Faith Group of Schools) to the university (Benson Idahosa University) and also functional medical facilities (Faith Mediplex Group of Hospitals) for all people. The ministry is resolved in her quest to produce whole persons in Spirit, soul and body.
All these accomplishments could not have happened without a focused, dynamic and spirit filled leaders by our father, Archbishop B.A. Idahosa. The ministry is still being maintained and enhanced by our go getting Archbishop M. E. Benson-Idahosa.

There goes the popular aphorism: “birds of a feather flock together.” However, there is an exception to this saying. Eagles, though they are birds, do not fit into this epigram. As a matter of fact, eagles never fly in clusters, they fly singly. That perhaps, aptly describes why eagles are so distinct from all the other birds. So also are some men, who bear semblance to the eagle.
No doubt, there are a great number of successful people across the globe, each of whom represents an institution. They are authorities who have distinguished themselves in their God-given endeavors. The truth is, these “success stories” are rare to come by; however, for four decades, the entire world has been shaken to its very foundation by one man, propelled by a force of curiosity over the signs and wonders that followed him.
Diploma of Divinity:
- Associate of Practical Theology
- Masters in Church Administration
Ph.D. in Theology:
This great man stands out in the crowd. Without mincing words, this man is synonymous with faith; he is an institution; an international figure; a statesman whose finger print on national issues is readily sensed and his influence on all issues concerning life cannot be waved aside with the back of the hand. He is a legend who has left an indelible mark in the sands of time.
This man has been known by different appellations: a father of fathers, a spiritual dynamo, an exemplar of faith in our generation, a world acclaimed preacher, a great teacher with special pedagogic abilities and excellent vision, a “possibilitarian,” an epitome of justice, equity and fair play, an advocate of peace, a man whose life is replete with immense charisma, a trail blazer, a visionary leader to whom none compares, a prolific writer, an evangelist, a philanthropist and above all, a very good husband and father. Wherever this man’s name is mentioned, the world stands at attention.
This man is Archbishop Benson Andrew Idahosa.
Archbishop Benson Andrew Idahosa was one in a million. A rare gem! Possibly, that is why he is an enigma to all those who have known or heard about him. He was born on September 11, 1938 in Benin City to an Edo family, the Idahosa – Ezomo family.
He was the fourth of nine children of Late Pa John Idahosa. He was only a few months old, when on the order of his father, he was dumped on a rubbish heap because he was a sickly child. However, because of the unfading love of his mother, the Spirit of God stirred her up to rescue him.
As a toddler, he often experienced fainting spells. This re-occurring phenomenon, in the thinking of his father had brought disgrace and dishonour to the family. This forced him to resolve that the infant Idahosa be dumped on a refuse heap just behind their little house and left to his own fate. His father gave a stern warning that he should not be rescued from the garbage but because he was destined for greatness he lived to become one of the kingdom of God’s greatest men.
As the years rolled by, the sickly lad noted for fainting spells grew in strength and wisdom. He chose to change. Like the plant Saxifrage, often noted for its rock breaking abilities, Archbishop Idahosa surmounted the many obstacles that lay precariously on the road to success.
Benson Idahosa had a penchant for education and a great desire to study. At the age of eight, he was enrolled into primary school. Through thick and thin, he managed to scale through an initial western education in the Salvation Army School, Benin City and the Methodist School, Owo, Ondo State. However, this only whetted his appetite for more knowledge. Accordingly, through a correspondence programme with the London Benneth College, he obtained a Diploma in Business Administration, and a Higher Diploma in Office Management, while he worked in the Bata Shoe Company as a salesman.
As a result of his desire to excel and through hard work, coupled with God’s favor upon his life, he soon ascended to a supervisory position at the company. Little did he know that his experience as a supervisor was part of God’s way of preparing him for leadership in the ministry.
The young Benson Idahosa was ready to be an instrument in God’s hand and in 1962, at the relatively young age of 24, he launched into the ministry. He had great zeal for the work of God and his uttermost desire was to carry out the command of the Lord to finish the work which God had assigned to him.
Quite a lot can be said about his pastoral life. At the very beginning of his evangelistic crusades, he used his cultural advantage as a Bini to gain access to the surrounding Bini villages. His evangelistic crusades consisted of taking his team to the villages where, with the permission of the heads of the communities, he would preach to the people and pray for the sick. His first crusade was at Ajagbodudu, near Sapele, in 1961. His crusades were followed by signs and wonders.
In 1962 after his first evangelistic crusades, he enrolled as a correspondent student of a Bible College at Illorin. That same year, he held a crusade at Abraka. Over the years, he continued his theological education, and the following is a list of some of his degrees.
Papa (as he was popularly called) had a phenomenal popularity predicated on his achievements, and the seeds he has sown in the lives of the hopeless, and those who needed a touch from the Lord Jesus Christ. Little wonder then, that during his ministry he raised many persons from the dead, much to the consternation of many who doubted the efficacy and power of the word of God. With signs and wonders his popularity spread like wildfire.

Archbishop Margaret Benson-Idahosa was born into the Royal lineage of the Benin Kingdom. She was ordained into the ministry on the 24th of May, 1983 and consecrated Bishop on the 5th of April, 1998. This position makes her the first female Pentecostal Bishop of a ministry of this magnitude in Africa, she was consecrated as Archbishop in November, 2009.
Together with her husband, she has preached the gospel of Jesus Christ in more than 140 nations covering all major continents of the world. She is not just a female preacher; she is a father and mother to many spiritual children all over the world. Her vision and mission is to “reach the unreached” irrespective of whether they are in the desert or riverine creeks.
Since her consecration as Bishop, she has frequently travelled to America, Europe and parts of Africa and in communities far-flung from major towns and cities preaching, teaching and healing the sick.
Archbishop Margaret Benson-Idahosa’s love for children and the strong belief that they be trained and raised properly led to the establishment of the Word of Faith Group of Schools, which now has more than one hundred (100) branches all over Nigeria. She also has to her credit an Orphanage for abandoned babies.
The women’s arm of the ministry, which goes by the name Christian Women Fellowship International (CWFI) is a non-denominational body founded by Archbishop Idahosa, to teach the woman how to discover their true potential, to be a good mother, wife and an instrument for end-time evangelism. Members of this body can be found in the Americas, Europe, Africa and Nigeria.
In line with this is the building of a multipurpose facility called the Restoration Centre with a capacity to seat more than 10,000 women. This centre will serve as a conference venue, office space, a skill acquisition centre and a place to rehabilitate destitute young women.
Thousands have been delivered from the bondage of evil tradition, spiritually and have been economically empowered. A recent addition to the Restoration Centre is a Mobile Medical Clinic which offers free medical services to rural dwellers.
Bishop Dr. FEB Idahosa

Bishop Dr. FEB Idahosa
Born to one of the world’s most renowned evangelists – Late Archbishop Benson Idahosa of blessed memory and Archbishop Margaret E. Benson Idahosa, Bishop Faith Emmanuel Benson Idahosa II, popularly known as Bishop FEB, a prominent man of God, exceptional professional and reputable entrepreneur leads an exemplary life worth being reckoned with.
Bishop FEB Idahosa obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration from Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA in 1994. In 1995, he obtained a Masters Degree in Public Health from the George Washington University Graduate School, Washington D. C. He is currently a Doctoral candidate for Educational Leadership at Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.
Bishop FEB Idahosa has been in the education field for the past 12 (twelve) years, and has been the President of Benson Idahosa University since March 15th 1998. He demonstrates excellent leadership qualities in a multi-generational environment, and helps nurture the students of the university into developing their leadership potential. Along with his duties as President of BIU he is also the President of Big Ben’s Children Hospital, Vice President of Faith Mediplex group of hospitals, Vice President of All Nations for Christ Bible Institute Intl., Vice President of the Archbishop Idahosa Foundation and Idahosa World Outreach. He is a member of the Church of God Mission International (CGMi) Council of Bishops, its Board of Administration, Board of Education, the International Communion of Charismatic Churches, Victory Christian Fellowship Newcastle DE, and the Edo National Association, USA. In all of these responsibilities Bishop FEB functions in excellence and Godly professionalism.
Bishop FEB serves as the Bishop of the headquarter branch of Church of God Mission International, overseeing the spiritual affairs of the church and the branches under it. He also supervises the campus fellowship arm of the church (Christian Fellowship International) and the churches newest innovation, the Next Generation Leadership (NGL) Churches. With about 9 (nine) of these churches started across Nigeria, Church of God Mission is reaching the vital 18 – 35 year old demographic of youth that is poised to change Nigeria.
As an entrepreneur and respectable businessman Bishop FEB amongst other exploits is the CEO of BIU Integrated Services Ltd., Chosen Properties, Pear Systems Development Company, DFI Nigeria, DFI U.S.A., and BIU Property Development Company. These reputable establishments are thriving in their various areas of expertise and are providing exquisite services to their clients within and outside the country. In shouldering major decision making Bishop FEB has always been able to combine intelligence and the wisdom of God with a listening ear for beneficiaries, staff and management of the various establishments under his leadership; this has brought about the exceptional progress and development these establishments have experienced over the years.
Bishop FEB Idahosa is a born trans-generational leader who showcases godliness and excellence wherever he goes and in whatever he does amongst his peers. He has continuously been honored with various awards by both religious and non religious bodies on his entrepreneurial, goodwill, developmental and leadership endeavors ranging from the Oral Roberts University Academic Peer Advisor program award of as far back as 1994 to the most recent Grand Fellowship Award by the Institute of Strategic Management Nigeria.
Bishop FEB Idahosa has a passion to see a changed Nigeria and through Benson Idahosa University is raising a generation of young people who will. He has keen interests in the advancement of technology, the growth of our country and betterment of her Leadership. He has recently unveiled his brain-child, The Leadership 300. This is a search for young potential future leaders into Undergraduate Programmes in BIU, who will tread what he calls ‘The Leadership Path’ designed to nurture them into leadership and success in their various fields.
As an author of two books, loving husband of Rev. Laurie Whetstone-Idahosa, father of Three(Feb Jnr, Nathan and Judah) and an elite minister of God, Bishop Faith Emmanuel Benson Idahosa II remains an epitome of vast knowledge, a man of humility, integrity and a multi-faceted leader.